"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."

-Ayn Rand

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Workout of the Week: Climber's Core

I apologize for the lack of activity this last week, there's been a lot going on and I've been suffering from some serious writer's block.

Today's workout is all about core control. It was designed for climbers to develop their ability to transfer force from their lower bodies to their upper bodies and to stay tight for long periods of time. Training on the ground simulates being close to the rock.

This workout accomplishes a few things: First, it challenges the core in all three planes of movement. Second, it trains acceleration, deceleration, and stabilization of the core muscles. Third, it develops shoulder stability and multi-planar strength, endurance and mobility. Fourth, it balances the pulling of climbing with pushing motions. Finally, it helps to develop functional flexibility.

This workout can be used on its own or as part of a warm-up. If it's used as a warm-up, only do one or two rounds so you don't fatigue your shoulders and core before your regular workout.

The Workout

Frequency: 1-3 times per week
Rounds: 1-3 (or more, if you find three no longer challenging)
Reps: 5-10 per side
You can do the exercises one of three ways. Either run straight through on one side, repeating on the other; do each side before moving on to the next; or alternate sides (do one rep on one side, one on the other, etc.). I like to keep it interesting so I do this workout all three ways.

The Exercises

1. Start position: Downward Dog position
End position: Reach to opposite foot

2. Start position: Pushup position (arms fully extended)
End position: One arm extended forward. Really reach for it!

3. Start: Pushup down position
End: Same-side knee drive to elbow

4. Start: Side plank "down" position
End: Side plank "T" position with hip abduction

5. Start: Pushup down position
End: Knee drive to opposite elbow

Train Smart!

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