"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."

-Ayn Rand

Thursday, July 14, 2011

So, Blog...We Meet Again!

It's been a long while now and many things have happened since my last post.

First and foremost, my education is still moving along swimmingly. I'm into my third module and still loving it, though (like any other form of schooling) it can be pretty mentally exhausting at times.

I've also come up with a list of further education goals and certifications I plan on getting. Since the program I'm in (shameless plug here: Bryan College. Anyone in the greater Sacramento area interested in becoming a trainer should seriously check this school out) includes an A.A.S. in Advanced Health and Fitness along with the CPT certification exam through either ACSM or NASM, my next steps will include further certification and continuing education. Goal number one will be a Bachelor's degree in Health and Fitness and I may also start working on a second degree in nutrition. Looks like the school I will be going to for that will be Oregon State University (we'll be moving up to Oregon pretty much immediately after I graduate). On top of that I will also be working on my C.S.C.S. (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) through NSCA, C.E.S. and P.E.S. (Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist) through NASM, and RKC through the one and only Pavel Tsatsouline. Eventually I'll also get my CK-FMS, which is basically a combination of Russian Kettlebell and Gray Cook's Functional Movement Screen.

For the moment, however, I plan on studying for my ACSM CPT cert, which I will actually be taking far ahead of schedule. Since I'm no longer working for my former employer, I'm planning on getting certified so I can start working in the industry soon instead of waiting until the end of the program and surviving solely on my housing allowance. I've had a couple instructors advise me in this decision, all of whom believe I have the practical knowledge to be successful as a trainer now. So I'll be getting my ACSM, then getting my NASM at the end of the course. Plus my G.I. Bill pays for the ACSM exam!

My long-term goals remain the same: open a combined gym that caters to athletes (anyone from professional ball players down to high school players, fighters to parkour enthusiasts and traceurs), but is just as accessible to anyone with goals that aren't as athletic. All I need now is the certification...and business partners and loans and a location and advertisement etc. etc. etc....I've still got a long way to go on this one, but the journey will be quite interesting =].

Now on to what most of you, my dear readers, have been waiting for: new content! Now that I have more free time I will be writing new articles and I may even have some guest posts coming up! So stay tuned and remember: The best progress comes from our smallest daily choices.

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