I have been extremely busy with work, school, and trying to keep up enough with my workouts to avoid losing progress (we've been getting gym time, but it's all focused on programming and going through workouts for beginners, and most of it isn't as functional or strength and conditioning-based to fit my personal needs, but it is required to be able to work with beginner-level clients). My fiance and I are also getting ready to move so we can both be closer to our schools, so we're beginning our apartment and job hunts...which has proven difficult considering the fact that I only have Monday and Thursday before I start class at 6pm. Today I did a workout that I'd like to share with you, but we'll get to that in a bit.
First off, I have a couple announcements.
1. I have a new page here. It's an amazon.com mini-store where I have recommended reading (basically books that I have read and want to share with you).
2. I have many articles in mind for the future (both near and distant), but I'll only be able to write and post when I have enough free time so they may or may not be spaced fairly far apart. That doesn't mean you shouldn't check in regularly though! Who knows, I may surprise you.
3. Going along with above, I plan on disseminating some valuable information on program creation and whatnot as I learn it, so you can develop your own training programs. I would love to coach you all, but I'd much rather you learn how to train yourself.
Okay, so on to the workout!
I modified Mike Mahler's bodyweight workout for size and strength. I did it like this (using broad reps here, not just what I personally did):
3-5 rounds of:
5-10 reps Handstand Push-up
5-10 reps Pull-up (or until one to two reps before failure, whichever comes first)
5-10 reps One-arm Push-up (or as many as possible, starting on the weaker arm and using as many reps on the stronger side)
5-10 reps One-legged Squat (I used a 35# Kettlebell and started on the weaker leg, like the push-up)
5 One-handed Kettlebell Swing per hand (you could also do this with a dumbbell)
10 Turkish Get-ups with said Kettlebell (5 each side, alternating)
I'll be getting into the specifics of each exercise in future articles, so stay tuned!
handstand pushups are my FAVORITE